dear-santaDear Santa , it’s only November and I can already feel the tightening in my chest…the yearly angst …this year for Christmas I would like an Elf all of my own …..

1. Ask the children ( all adult ! ) to write their lists

2. Christmas shopping …I loathe shopping and have managed to evade the dreaded Christmas shop for the past eight years by paying daughter no 1 to do it for me . 2015 and daughter no 1 now ‘”has a full time job Mum, I don’t have time to do your running around….I work you know !”

2. Rack my brain for some innovative way to spend the actual day other than in an food/ alcohol Induced state

3. Make the house look better than last year ..the year before and the year before that ( like anyone bloody remembers !)

4. Plan the menu .. One is Veggie, one is a bad veggie, one loves animals and is known to announce this when faced with one thinks he is Gordon Ramsey and whatever I cook his eyes be better off in a Clarkes shoe box ..the remaining two will be glued to something ‘sporty’ …I think her name is Suzy Perry !

Oh yes! I forgot to mention dear Santa that before we get to no 1 on my list I have a job to do.
It’s only November but Christmas is in full swing, restaurants and offices are headlong into the run up.
The stands are full of ruby red berries and seductive looking Amarylis, fluffy cotton balls and soft green velvety mounds of moss ready to be whipped into wreaths.
The new season takes us all by the hand and leads us on another flowery adventure, this is MY Christmas.

Huge vases stuffed with festive flowers, boxes of hand tied bouquets ready to spread cheer.
There is no season like Christmas when it comes to celebrating traditional foliages and flowers and each year I marvel at the impact.
A simple fire place transformed by a plump garland of lush greenery, golden pears, berries and nuts
A neighbours door adorned with a circle of holly and fir
Pots of frilly cyclamen , poinsettia or Amarylis
Sitting room windows filled with pungent spruce trees weighted with baubles, biscuits and bulbs.

I may even get around to doing my own …..